#78. Event: Lepak Bersama Sahabat Blogger was AWESOME! :))

assalamualaikum ! hye.hye.hye :)

based on entry semalam. aku sgt3 la neves+eksaited+takut+gelabah.. haish.. smpaikan aku xley tido.. cm nk g first date 2... awww.. mmg first date pun kn? first date with all the bloggers at Sahabat Bloggers (SB).. and first time join gathering neh.. dri apa yg aku nk ckp.. da gathering was AWESOME! tanx to admin, kunci loker, maira queen, shey pull, aina aimi.. and tanx to all bloggers yg hadir! eventhough yg dtg lmbt n dtg paling awal.. :)

neh senarai yg datang...

1.http://rockprincessbooks.blogspot.com/  : kak ila
2.http://fierapirot.blogspot.com/  : fiera
3.http://ribenputih.blogspot.com/  : anis
5.http://myungdae92.blogspot.com/  : taufiq
6.http://kucinganstudio.blogspot.com/ : haziril
7.http://taufiqhelios.blogspot.com/  : TH
8.http://www.tengkunizam.com/  : bonzer
10. http://www.umarfaruq.com/   : umar
11. http://yanananako.blogspot.com/  : yana
14.http://crazreeme.blogspot.com/  : aisis
15.http://mawarkuwada.blogspot.com/    : mawar
16.http://www.kayif.com/  : keyrul
17.http://www.thegarang.com/  : amal
18.http://www.ddfabulous.com/  : bro dd
20.http://www.akmalhilmi.com/  : lelaki seksi.. haha :)
21.http://mrsgforgg.blogspot.com/  : miss genit..
22.http://thesyafiqmokhtar.blogspot.com/ : syafiq 
23. http://suffer.frenzyfm.my/ : arif  * hey.. bro tacink ngn aku laa.. hehe.. soie yee :)) anyway.. tanx sebab tegur syifa dulu.. igtkn xkenai.. hehe =)*

ekceli kan.. ramai lagi.. almost 40++ ok! amazing.. aku senirik pun terkejut. korunk mmg terBAEK la. eventhough aku neh da blogging lama.. tp.. ilmu aku ttg blogging maih berkurangan.. n aku nk belajar lagi.. sila beri tunjuk ajar ye otai2 sekalian. ops! haha :)

bak kata TH "this is no what I call Mini Gath SB ok! this is BIG GATH of SB.please give a standing ovation to all bloggers yang join dan penganjur! so ohsem! DENGAN KEHADIRAN HAMPIR MENCECAH 50 BLOGGERS!"

see.. hebat kan? nice to meet all of u! :) keep in touch always k?

gambar? aku mana ada camera. huk.huk.huk.. kena tggu Uzair n Syafiq Naim smpi JB la bwu boley dapat gmbr.. hehe.. n pada masa 2.. aku mungkin xonline dak.. huwaaaaa!!! lappy wosak ok! :( now guna lappy akak. sok nk blik beranang dh.. ada interbiu KFC.. doakan aku berjaya kt interbiu 2 yaa... =)

neh gambar dri kunci loker. blogger yg datang awal..

apa kes? jeng.jeng.jeng....

meh aku nk story pasai event td.. hehehe.. mula2 maen bowling.. now aku da kemaruk bowling.. oh tidak! 2 lane ja.. sebab xsemua blogger yg maen.. they all mai pun sebab nk meriahkan mjlis. tanx u all! urm.. afta maen bowling.. aktiviti bebas.. makan+solat.. then berkumpul blik kt level 9 Times Square.. sebab situ xde org.. then.. mula la sesi ice-breaking n penyampaian hadiah...  aku dapat anugerah da highest mark for bowling kot.. gila kentang! neh tuk ahli pompuan je la.. haha. xkan la aku boley beat otai2 kn.. aku xhebat mana pun.. haha :) then bila da smpi acara kemuncak.. ada la org yg mai kaco kami.. jeles lettew! haha.. xdk adab langsung.. bukan kmi kaco org pun.. just duduk2 je... xley nk bertolak ansur langsung! urgh! geram kot! tp xpa.. ada ubi ada batas, ada hari boley balas! yeay!! ^_^

p/s: aku wsa aku xcta keseluruhannya kn? tp xpa.. later k? bila da dapat gmbr dri Uzair n Syafiq Naim, aku akan story mory.. insyaALLAH... =) anyway! yg mana aku xdk link 2.. tolong tinggalkan link korunk k? t aku backlink balik k? :))

p/s: just forget da past syifa! wake up! u need to look forward! make ur life more meaningful.. just forget da past n open da new book.. look out for da new environment n new family.. tanx bloggers!


  1. eh..boleh komen dah..lala..waaa..ada gambar ekslusif..nk amek...nk amek :) nway...terharu sbb u mention my name :)

  2. tgu jela video aku nanti psl bde nieh


    *tapi lepas ni taknak jadi cameraman lagi.haha


  4. eny: ok dear! t bila ada gathering ag. eny contact cipa k dear! :)hehe

  5. TH: hehehe.. gud! TheSyafiqMokhtar yg post.. lalalala~~ u otai. kena la mentioned.. ops!

  6. suffer8zine: soie la bro.. xpasan la.. jgn marah naaa.. :))

  7. akmalhilmi: ok! aku tggu.. hahah :)

  8. syaimz: mana boley.. ko kena la jd photographer ag.. haha.. kmi mana ada duet nk bli DSLR.. ops! :))

  9. tumpang mencela...... hihi
    tak ada siapa kenal lagi...
    tapi korang memang best

  10. wkwkwkkw, nmpknya paling panjang dscrpction tu, heheh tengs ya :P

  11. syifa!

    seronok borak ngn syifa dlm monorail...:)

  12. hey , ame singgah sini . ohh btw , ame pun dah update Part ! bout our gath . jemput laa singgah ya later ;)


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